It facilitates the processes that appear in life. It derives from Shiatsu originating in Japan and performs body work based on TCM and energy meridians, using different techniques such as pressure, stretching, connections and auxiliary therapies (moxa, seitai, …), acting on the physical body (work of musculoskeletal and organ problems) and influencing the energy system.
Personalized sessions with regulatory effects on pain, general feeling of energy, moods and fatigue. It produces physical and emotional well-being.
Comprehensive treatment from the reflex zones in the feet. Ancestral massage of points on the feet that reflect specific areas of the body to relieve discomfort, stimulate healthy body functions and balance the body’s systems to find balance.
Do you want to connect with the sound of the Universe? This sound is also within you and it is healing. With the Gong, you will feel the vibration expand through both your physical and energetic body, creating a state of flow that transports you to your natural balance.
Our natural therapies balance the body and mind for overall well-being.
Discover how they can transform your health!
Do you have any questions? Do you want to make a reservation? Get in touch
I am in a place in La Garrotxa, in the middle of nature.